Tuesday, January 21, 2025 1:02 PM
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Bootstrap 5 is coming soon

Image created in Canva
Technology, June 21st, 2020

Bootstrap 5 first alpha was officially released on June 16, 2020. It has new look and feel. Bunch of new features have added, which will save developer’s time and effort and will reduce a headache of implementing third party libraries for example animate.css, aos, js animation and dependencies on jquery.

However I like the most ‘forked version of the Bootstrap modal- offcanvas menu.’

documentation: https://deploy-preview-29017–twbs-bootstrap.netlify.app/docs/5.0/components/offcanvas/

Another alpha release is anticipated for the next three to four weeks, with a couple more likely to follow. Future plans for Bootstrap call for RTL (right to left) and offcanvas capabilities.

The intent is to have an offcanvas wrapper to place sidebar content such as navigation controls or a shopping cart. Other evaluations are being made such as increased usage of CSS properties and embedding SVGs in HTML instead of CSS.

Summary of the most important changes:

  • jQuery is removed
  • Switched to Vanilla JavaScript
  • Dropped Internet Explorer 10 and 11 support
  • Improved grid system
  • Improved documentation
  • Improved modularity
  • Improved forms
  • New responsive font
  • New utilities & helpers added
  • Easier customization & theming
  • Lighter package
  • Animations, no third party integrations needed
  • New icons added (https://icons.getbootstrap.com/,) for fast loading websites

Specific capabilities of Bootstrap 5.0 include:

  • The bulk of the Button plug-in for an HTML and CSS-only approach to toggle states has been dropped. Toggle buttons now are powered by checkboxes. Also, radio buttons are more reliable.
  • Custom CSS properties now are being used, enabled by dropping support for Microsoft’s legacy Internet Explorer browser. The project is looking to enable the “superpowers” of Sass and CSS custom properties for more flexibility.
  • Documentation has been improved, with more explanation, less ambiguity, and more support for extending the framework. A new Customize section is featured.
  • The color palette has been expanded for app look and feel.
  • Documentation and components for forms have been overhauled.
  • A new utilities API is featured, with a language and syntax in Sass to create utilities on the fly.
  • An enhanced grid system is featured, with a new grid tier, the addition of vertical spacing classes, and replacement of .gutter classes with .gx* utilities.

Source: https://blog.getbootstrap.com/2020/06/16/bootstrap-5-alpha/

Documents: https://v5.getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/getting-started/introduction/
