I'm a 10 years pexperienced website designer and developer.

I create websites using HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, jQuery, PHP, and WordPress.

I also work on quantum physics, the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level. I'm passionate about exploring the mysteries of the universe. On this website, you can find my portfolio, blog, and contact information. Feel free to browse around and get in touch with me if you have any questions or comments. Thank you for visiting!


  • Frondend Design: Figma, PhotoShop, XD, Canva
  • Frontend Development (UI): HTML 4, HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap 3,4,5
  • Backend Development: Core PHP
  • CMS Backend/ Frontend Development: WordPress > Drupal > Magento > OpenCart > AEM

Tools & Technologies Used: From Coding to Deployment

Development tools

  • MS Word, MS Excel, Google doc, Google Sheet: used for documentation, KT and data management
  • GIT: used for Version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development
  • Jira, Confluence, Tempo: used for project management, trackers
  • Wamp, Xampp, Mamp: local development environments for Windows, mac, enabling the setup of Apache, MySQL, and PHP.
  • PHPMyAdmin, Adminer: for managing SQL, MySQL databases.

Server/ Hosting/ Database

  • Linux Apache, IIS Windows, Nginx: Web servers that host and serve web applications
  • MySQL, SQL: used for storing and retrieving data.
  • Cloud/ Shared Hosting: Web servers that host and serve web applications.

Code Editors

  • Notepad++, Atom, VS Code


REST API, SSL Installation, Web Server Hosting Setup and Management, Webmail Management, Google Analytics, Web Producing, Google Tag Management, Adobe Analytics, Google PageSpeed Insights, ChatGPT

Website Development

I've built over 100 websites using HTML (HTML4, HTML5), CSS (CSS3, Bootstrap 3/4/5, Flexbox, Grid, OS Class), PHP CMS (Core PHP, WordPress, Drupal), e-Commerce CMS (WooCommerce, Magento, OpenCart), and other CMS such as AEM, SiteCore.

Theme/ Plugin Development

I have created 50+ WordPress Themes and 20+ WordPress/ WooCommerce plugins from scratch.

Marketing Solutions

I have created 100+ responsive HTML landing pages, mobile friendly mailers and newsletters from scratch.

Manish Pushkar Jha
*Do you have any concerns? Write me at hello@manishpushkar.com